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  • 黑臭河道治理该注意什么?
  • 本站编辑:浙江金鸣环境科技有限公司发布日期:2020-08-26 11:32 浏览次数:









Urban river management is a basic measure to protect urban water resources and improve ecological environment. Bioremediation technology has developed rapidly in recent years due to its advantages of economy, environmental protection, high efficiency and durability. The phenomenon of black odor in water is caused by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in water body. From the aspect of water quality, black odor is caused by the high content of COD, BOD and other aerobic pollutants in water body, which leads to serious hypoxia of water body. Blackening is mainly adsorbed black metal sulfide suspended particles; The odor is caused by hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan, ammonia, amine and other gaseous pollutants produced by anaerobic microorganisms during the transformation of organic pollutants in water. The decrease of dissolved oxygen concentration in the polluted water will lead to the black and smelly river water, the disappearance of fish and shrimp, the destruction of river ecosystem, the loss of resource function and use value of the polluted river, serious damage to the surrounding environment and landscape, causing significant economic losses, and even endangering the health of the surrounding residents.

With the widespread attention of the society on the treatment of black and smelly river courses, the water in the former black and smelly river courses became clear after treatment, and the green plants along the river Banks became a good place for residents to go for a walk and leisure.

Difficulties in black and smelly river management:

The pollution sources are not easy to control, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the water are seriously beyond the limit, the water ecosystem is completely destroyed, and the water's self-purification ability is completely lost. What's more, one of the characteristics of the black and smelly river is that there is a lot of sewage flowing in, the water body has poor mobility, and the river bottom is hardened, etc. Jinming believes that it is safe and feasible to build water ecosystem, restore water self-purification ability, and treat black and smelly river with biological treatment and ecological conservation technology. However, the most important thing is to control pollution sources entering into the river, especially the direct discharge of domestic sewage.

At present our country most of the city has evolved into the black smelly river, river in many cities in China, the channel of organic pollution is widespread and increasingly prominent, urban sewage straight row of river, flows through the town of river pollution is serious, a seasonal or year-round water black smelly, have become China's current urban runoff pollution in water environment problems demanding prompt solution. Black smelly water body is an extreme manifestation of organic matter pollution, is due to the water of oxygen, organic matter caused by corruption, when large amounts of organic pollutants into the water, under the effect of aerobic microorganisms, consumes a large amount of oxygen in water, make water into oxygen and the anaerobic bacteria multiply, corruption, organic matter decomposition, fermented black and stink of water.

In view of the difficulties and causes of black and smelly river management, biological management and ecological conservation are the most commonly used technologies at present. Through comprehensive treatment in aspects such as source control and pollution control, endogenous treatment, ecological restoration and quality preservation of living water, physical methods, biotechnology and ecological means are combined for treatment, so as to rebuild the balance of water ecosystem, restore the self-purification ability of water body and ensure the normal life activities of water environment.

In order to control the black and smelly water body, we should avoid falling into the mistake of paying more attention to the treatment and maintenance, and paying more attention to the late stage and the long term. Zhejiang promisex environmental technology co., LTD., fundamentally governance, pay attention to long-term, walking on the river "internal governance, water purification and ecological restoration" comprehensive technical route, and adhere to the "applicability, economy, long-term sex and safety is integrated," principles of scientific governance black smelly river, building a healthy, complete and stable river ecosystem.





